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Ignore less important or sensitive files while pushing code to remote repository
- Authors
- Name
- Shahzad Afridi
- @codewithafridi
Nowadays Git is included in every project we created on android studio so there must be some files or directories which we don’t want to share on a remote repository and prefer to keep safe on our local machine in that case .gitignore file comes to the rescue.
.gitignore file tells VCS, the files/directory path mentioned in the .gitignore file, don’t need to upload to the remote repository so on the safe side files ignored while pushing code to the remote repository.
I am sharing already made template for android so you can just copy and paste it to save time and search for ignoring less important and sensitive files to remote repository
# Gradle files
# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)
# Log/OS Files
# Android Studio generated files and folders
# IntelliJ
# Keystore files
# Google Services (e.g. APIs or Firebase)
# Android Profiling
Source: https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Android.gitignore